
Do I Use Shampoo and Conditioner with a Hair Mask?

When it comes to skincare, apply the lightest product on the thickest areas. The opposite is true for hair care. Celebrity hairstylists were asked to explain the complex topic of layering conditioners, creams, and gels while styling hair.

First Step: Shampoo

Although it might seem obvious, shampooing is the first step in styling. Using the right formulation is crucial. Fitting the bottle’s description—moisturizing, damage healing, strengthening, color-safe, thickening—with your hair can be a challenging task. The golden rule, according to Bhatia, is to “choose a shampoo based on your scalp type,” even when outside variables like the weather, season, and changes in your lifestyle can affect your haircare needs. To complete the task, all you need is a coin-sized quantity.

Steer clear of harsh compounds like parabens, sulphate, and chemicals; natural components are much better at preserving the quality of your hair. If your scalp is oily, your best option is a clarifying shampoo. Think about products that encourage moisture, hydration, and smoothness if your scalp is dry. Shampoos for treatment, such as those that fight dandruff, should only be used once a week. For optimal results, switch it up with a moisturizing shampoo.

Step 2: Put on a Mask

Don’t be content with a hair shampoo hair conditioner hair mask regimen. You must delve farther to find that additional nutrition. Whether you need some TLC, a complete makeover from color treatments, to rehydrate parched strands, repair heat damage, correct brittle ends, or revitalize lackluster hair, deep conditioning masks are an easy answer. Put on your mask first, not last, and before conditioner. Applying the mask right away after washing will greatly aid in the penetration of the conditioning elements because shampooing opens the hair follicles. After three to twenty minutes, leave it on and rinse it off. Just use masks once a week, T satori continues.

Relegate your weekly or biweekly masking regimen to once if you have fine hair, or you risk having limp, flat hair.

Step 3: Apply Conditioner

The choice of conditioner may make or break a wonderful hair day, much like the choice of shampoo. Consider the texture of your hair while choosing a conditioner. I suggest a gel-based conditioner that is not overly thick but still hydrating for someone with dry and fine hair? Coarse, dry hair works well with a cream-based conditioner. Look for labels that support frizz control and healing if your hair is extremely damaged.

Step 4: Treatments that Remain in Place

There’s a wide range of leave-in treatments available, from silky creams and lotions to oils and sprays. Choose a lightweight, nourishing formula. After shampooing, using the right conditioner can help maintain the health of your hair, help it retain moisture, and help you get back in balance. Prior to styling your hair, T sapatori explains, “Leave-it is a key step.” Considering your hair type, choose a leave-in conditioner. If your hair is dry or damaged, apply an oil and then a serum. Take care not to use too much product if your hair is oily. For richer, smoother hair, I always use a few drops of argan oil. Proceed up, starting with the nape,” he continues.

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Written by ainashah901

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